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Guatemalan Buena Esperanza Coffee

Guatemalan Buena Esperanza Coffee

Estate-grown coffee from Guatemala.

This coffee comes to us from the Castillo family, led today by second generation coffee farmer Noe Castillo with help from her brothers. Before Noe took over, her mother grew coffee on the family's 6.5 hectare farm, Finca Buena Esperanza, for more than 40 years. Finca Buena Esperanza is located up in the highlands of western Guatemala near the town of Huehuetenango, around 6,000 feet above sea level. Huehuetenango is known in the specialty coffee world as the source for many of the most distinguished coffees from Guatemala.

Noe is relentless in working toward producing ever better coffee. There's always some improvement in the works, like planting more shade trees to cool down the coffee plants so they mature more slowly and develop deeper flavor, or striving to use all organic products to fertilize their crops. That attention to detail has paid off in this floral, chocolatey coffee with a silky body. Eminently sippable. 

Roast: Medium.
Tasting Notes: Floral, with notes of milk chocolate. Silky smooth.
Facts: Roasted fresh by Zingerman’s Coffee Company. Shipped whole bean. 

Guatemalan Buena Esperanza Coffee

P-COF-GAC 12 oz bag, whole bean
Current Price $22
Ships for flat rate

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