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City Goat Cheese from Zingerman's Creamery

City Goat Cheese from Zingerman's Creamery

Fresh from Zingerman's Creamery.

If all you've ever had are gummy, bland and waxy goat cheeses, try this. Super-fresh goat's milk and hand ladling make this little fresh goat cheese slowly fall apart and melt on your tongue. The goat cheese fans at your house will love it; the others will finally understand what all the fuss is about.

The tang of a fresh goat cheese makes it an excellent pair for honey. On the savory side, it's also excellent alongside sun dried tomatoes.

"Of all the cheeses we make and sell, the City Goat is the one cheese our house is almost never without. Not unlike many people I know, its subtle, hard to get to know variations give it versatility, depth and character. "
John Loomis, Founder of Zingerman’s Creamery

"Holy Moly I love [this cheese.] I am VERY particular about my goat cheese and it was so goaty without being too goaty. You know what I mean. You guys rocked my world."
Laurie, Denver, CO

Goat's milk
Traditional rennet

City Goat Cheese from Zingerman's Creamery

C-JOG 4 oz round
Current Price $16
Ships for flat rate

More to learn

Goat’s milk cheeses run the gamut of flavors, but when most of us hear the term one type comes to mind: soft, earthy cheese with a chalky edge and a barnyardy bite. We don’t lump all cow’s milk cheeses into one flavor category. Why are we so cavalier with goats? Goat’s milk is very fragile […]

For most of its history, cheese has been a local affair. Farmers would bring their milk to a village creamery that could convert that milk into cheese and other dairy products. Cheese has always been the long term storage solution for extra milk—especially before the era of refrigerators. The creameries would produce the same type […]

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